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Business Article of the Month
Author: Dr. Patrick Okonta BSc. (Hons.) Economics, MBA, DBA, LLM (London), FCA, FFA, FAIA
Practising Accountant, Business Consultant and Managing Partner, Azu Matthews & Co.
Who is an entrepreneur?
To answer this question without going too deeply into the academic, theoretical and technical jargons we shall simply define an entrepreneur from two main perspectives: a functional perspective ie what the entrepreneur does, and an indicative perspective, i.e. what the attributes of an entrepreneur are. Economic theorists such as Richard Cantillon, Joseph Schumpeter and Jean-Baptiste Say, are protagonists of the functional approach, while Economic historians like David Ricardo, Adam Smith, and several of the English classical economists have adopted the indicative approach.
Functional Perspective
From the functional perspective most economists agree that the following functions are attributable to the entrepreneur:
- Co-ordination and organisation of resources, risk-bearing, arbitrage and innovation,
Schumpeter identifies five different types of innovation:
- the introduction of a new good
- introduction of a new method of production
- opening of a new market (especially for exports)
- conquest of new source of new material
- creation of a new type of industrial organisation
Those who perform any of these functions are entrepreneurs
whether they are independent businessmen or businesswomen,
or the dependant employees of a company such as managers or directors.
Indicative Approach.
Essentially this approach describes the entrepreneur by the attributes with which he or she may be recognised e.g. his or her legal status, his or her contractual relations with other parties, his or her position in society e.t.c. Most entrepreneurial qualities are to some extent innate and instructive. In a research carried out by Acber & Co (Behavioural Event Interview), nine competencies, which were significantly more characteristic of successful than average entrepreneurs were identified. These attributes were grouped into three categories- Proactivity, Achievement orientation and commitment to others.
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